
what makes Niinja NSN search different

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Discover what sets Niinja NSN search apart from WebFLIS. Search by NSN, CAGE, part number and more.

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Modern search for FLIS

Niinja brings familiar single search box functionality to FLIS, simply type in your query to search millions of records. There are two types of search results: Product (NSN) information and Supplier (CAGE) information. Niinja ranks results in order of relevance and displays the 100 best matches.

Supplier location and products

View government contractors (CAGEs) on a map & see where your competitors are located. Discover if you have a geographic preference to supply the items sought by the government.

Look up CAGE records to view list of products they sell to the government. Consider your own capabilities to begin selling equivalent items. Be more competitive by benchmarking yourself against other suppliers of your products.

Data changes for past twelve months

See monthly management price and code change history for the previous year. Find out if the government recently changed compliance requirements (e.g. packaging type) for your products.

Further research & cross-reference

Get unlimited data exports from Niinja in Excel-ready .csv file format. Download individual item records or lists of results. Additionally, continue research with supplementary codes:

  • Product-related codes: FSC, FIIG, Schedule B, EMALL Sales
  • Supplier-related codes: NAICS, SIC, CAO-ADP

Web access to FLIS data

No downloads or software installation are necessary. Niinja works great on mobile devices, including Apple iOS and Android mobile platforms.

Custom applications with API

Niinja API enables powerful data mining and trend research of DoD’s regularly purchased products and suppliers. Developers, please refer to Niinja API Help Page for technical documentation reference. Contact us for pricing and information.

Amazing value from trusted team

The team behind Niinja also creates and distributes DLA’s FED LOG software to thousands of subscribers worldwide. With 20+ years of experience in government data, we believe that improving public access to DoD's datasets will lead to innovation and collaboration. This is why the annual price is only $279 per user.