Niinja Tutorials

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Part 1: Searching FLIS Data

Tutorial video describing Niinja's FLIS search functionality - search individual or multiple NSNs, NIINs, FSC codes, supplier CAGE codes, keywords and more. See video for key differences from WebFLIS.

Part 2: Search Results Screen

Transition from WebFLIS to Niinja. Tutorial video reviewing Niinja's search results functions - easily export data, see which terms your query matched in the results, view both NSN and CAGE data.

Part 3: NSN Details

Explore military products specifications by viewing the NSN detailed record. Access a variety of cross-reference information, including EMALL Sales history, Schedule B data, etc.

Part 4: CAGE Details

Access supplier details seamlessly by navigating to CAGE details from search results or individual product NSN records. View the complete list of all part numbers associated with NSN government product stock system.

Part 5: Account Miscellaneous

Get to know assorted Niinja features that can help speed up your FLIS data research. Account management settings, Favorites, and printing functionality are covered in this video segment.